What does “Organic” really mean, anyway?

First thing’s first, when beginning your “clean eating” journey, one particular certification is extremely important. This is the “USDA Organic” seal.

Most people have a general idea of what organic means - less pesticides; more expensive. What most people don’t know are the actual in’s and out’s of USDA Organic and why it is so much healthier than conventional. I am here to explain….

Literally speaking, USDA Organic is a certification that proves the farm, manufacturing facility, or brand is at least 95%-100% organic.

But first, here is a bit of background on the USDA: the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a department within the US government. Within the USDA, the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) created the National Organic Program (NOP). It is the “NOP” which is the actual regulatory framework for all certified organic food in the United States. They develop the rules and regulations for the production, handling, labeling, and enforcement of all Organic products in the U.S. Certifiers work with the NOP all over the United States to audit the manufacturers and farming operations in order to enforce the NOP’s organic guidelines.

So when you see the USDA Organic seal on a food product, you can be guaranteed of the following:

  1. No “genetically modified organisms”.

  2. No synthetic substances allowed (unless otherwise approved for specific purposes by the NOP) - aka no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides.

  3. No artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.

  4. No Roundup or glyphosate, which is a toxic, carcinogenic herbicide (herbicides kill weeds and grasses).

  5. No sewage sludge used in fertilizers or anywhere in the soil / on the crops.

The benefits of buying organically are the following:

  1. The foods adhere to the laws of nature - maintaining and restoring soil health, saving water, rotating crops, and using natural substances to keep weeds and pests away.

  2. The food you’re eating retains more nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants).

Eating organically has so many health benefits. In a 2002 Rutgers University study, it was shown that organically grown produce contained 87% more trace element and minerals than conventionally grown produce.

According to the NIH, studies show that organically grown produce provide significantly greater levels of Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium, and Phosphorus than non-organic varieties of the same produce…Organic foods typically provide higher levels of important antioxidant phytochemicals and significantly lower levels of pesticide residues.

So, how does one begin to shop for Organic produce?

  1. If you have a budget to adhere to - I would focus on buying the Dirty Dozen as organically as possible. Feel free to stick to buying the Clean 15 as conventional.

  2. Buy frozen organic fruits and veggies at Trader Joe’s or Costco - both cost effective options.

  3. Try buying from your local farmers market - if the cost makes sense for you.

Image shot at Buvette


How to Eat Clean


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